What is ethical fashion?

- Most of our clothing here in America is made in sweatshops. What this means is that most of the factory workers that are making your clothes, are not being respected, paid fairly, and may not work in a safe environment. Ethical fashion on the other hand provides dignity to those who make our clothes. Most of the brands we partner with offer their factory workers a combination of: above fair wages, education, health care options, and paid time off. Ethical fashion goes above the "norm" of what factory workers usually see, and seeks to allow garment workers to be treated fairly!


How do you choose your brands?

- Our owner Danielle personally chooses each brand that we decide to partner with. Over the last several years, we have been learning and creating relationships with different brands whose stories speak to us and speak to the importance of holding brands to a higher standard of production! Each brand is spoken with personally to make sure that it is a fit. 


Do you ship internationally?

- In short, YES! With that said, it might take some extra effort and teamwork, but please do not hesitate to order with us if you live outside of the US. We've successfully shipped as far as Australia from right here in the Heart of Texas!